Easy Payments Plus
You can pay term fees online via Easy Payments Plus with a credit or debit card and choose to make full payment or pay over monthly installments.
Term Fee Payment Terms
Term fees will be due by the specified date via emails to parents and on our website. If term fees are not paid by that date, the swimmer will not be allowed to return to training after that date until fees are paid. Payments made after the due date will be required to pay a €20 late fee. Term fees that past due will subject the swimmer to suspension from practices in addition to jeopardising entry into swim galas. The Treasurer will notify members when term fees are in arrears.
Requests from members to continue practices while in the arrears must be presented to the Committee.
Swim Ireland Registration
All swimmers must be registered with Swim Ireland. Membership provides insurance for your swimmer and the club. The Swim Ireland registration fee is included in Term 1 fees. Therefore, all Term 1 fees must be paid no later than September 30th in order for your swimmer to be insured.
Adjusted Fees
- For families with more than one swimmer, we offer multi-swimmer discounts of €30 per additional swimmer per term. You must pay for all swimmers at once on Easy Payments Plus to avail of the discount.
- If your swimmer switches squads, you will pay the amount of Term Fees for that new squad. Swimmers will only change squads at the change of term, never mid-term.
- 50% of funds raised during the year through organised fundraising activities will go to off-set the next term’s fees. All swimmers will benefit from the fundraising money, however, only families who participate in fundraising activities will have their fees offset.
Refund Policy
Within the First Three Weeks of Practice Season
Any requests for refunds made within the first three weeks of the squad’s practice season will be reviewed by the Committee on a case-by-case basis. The request should be made to the Treasurer and Chairperson, and the following general guidelines have been established:
Club Registration Fees
If a swimmer is injured or determines that he/she does not want to continue within three (3) weeks after the commencement of the squad’s practice season, the Committee will consider a refund of the Club registration fees. However, Swim Ireland Registration fees cannot be refunded.
After the First Three Weeks of Practice Season
The Bluefin Swim Club has a NO REFUND POLICY concerning annual swimming dues and registration fees for swimmers who have registered with our club and have requested a refund after the first three (3) weeks of their squad’s practice season. Our financial commitments involve fees and wages based on swimmer registrations. Bluefin Swim Club is committed to fulfill these obligations regardless of the number of swimmers we have in the water at any time. We understand many of our swimmers will experience, at some time during the season, illness, injury, over-commitment, decreased interest or problems that may take them out of the water. While we regret these problems, NO REFUND OF REGISTRATION FEE AND/OR FEES can be made for swimmers who are out of the water. If you feel you have an extenuating circumstance, you may put a request in writing to the Bluefin Secretary to have it reviewed at the next committee meeting.
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